Access for the Disabled

We are monitoring the above on a day to day basis and ensure access to the building via the main school entrance. We have a comprehensive plan in place which ensures that every individual is provided with access, is treated equally and is give the same opportunities. Our Disability Equality Plan notes our attitude towards ensuring equality for all at all levels of our school.

Our aim is to include:

  • Pupils and young children including their parents and carers.
  • Disabled staff.
  • Disabled members of our community.

 Our Disability Equality Plan includes all aspects of disability whether it pertains to:

  •  Pupils and young children including their parents and carers.
  • Disabled staff.
  • Disabled members of our community.

 Our understanding of disability falls in line with the Disability Rights Commission:

 “A person is disabled if they have a medical or physical condition that has a serious or long term effect on their ability to usual day to day activities.”