Author: Wefan P

Year 2

This term we have been focusing on the children’s Personal, Social and Wellbeing development. Our science experiments will be based on observing autumnal changes. Within our mathematical lessons will be looking at number, money, shape, measures, symmetry, pattern and positional language. Our language lessons will focus on writing in a variety of genres e.g. writing a letter and a self portrait. We will continue to develop language patterns and recognising, blending and segmenting sounds.

P.E is on a Thursday. Please can all pupils wear their P.E kit (shorts/jogging bottoms, trainers with a school T-shirt and jumper) to school.

Messy Mondays – Can you please provide wellington boots and a waterproof outfit to be kept at school.

These are the apps Tric a Chlic and Scratch Junior that we use in school that you can download for free to use at home.